Welcome to SudoCyber

Welcome to SudoCyber

Home of the SudoRange™ Gamified Cyber Learning Platform


Sudo Courses offer a guided learning experience, helping you to achieve your goals while gaining skills and knowledge in all underlying areas before continuing to the next level of the course.


The Sudo Range offers a playground for learning and practicing your skills in all areas of cyber. For that reason, you will find a variety of labs in the range covering a wide selection of difficulties, topics and skills.


Whether you are looking to better understand your existing teams, find new talent or simply organise a fun and engaging experience for your staff/students our competitions can help you achieve your goals.

Our Mission.

To make learning cyber security fun, engaging and accessible to all through promoting the acquisition of real-world skills via gamified learning.

How We Do It.

  • Structure learning through industry recognised course.
  • Unstructured challenges to encourage lifelong learning and skills refresh.
  • Competitions to engage and recognise talent and expertise in the community.

Through our SudoRangeTM learners are able to practice and learn new skills in the format that suits them best in pseudo real-world environments. Our platform is the perfect playground for experts and beginners, offering varied levels of difficulty while learning or practicing skills from across the cyber domain.

We are also able to offer in-person training courses for that added push in the right direction or to assist with environment specific needs such as bespoke software and hardware.

Some of our users

Ready To Join?


Click the button below to register for an account on the SudoRange now and start competing!

We are currently offering a free 7 day trial to all new users who join the platform.  You do not need to provide any payment details to take part in this offer.  We look forward to seeing you on the platform soon!


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